
Hey there! I’m Jen.

If you love cooking, baking and eating some really good food, you’ve come to the right place! Especially if you love easy recipes and want more plant-centric options on the table.

On this site you’ll find delicious recipes using minimal ingredients, very little prep work (I’m a pretty lazy cook these days), and basic cooking skills. 

When it comes to food and cooking, I’m not a very fussy person. I tend to cook simple, plant-based meals that feel good to eat and don’t take a ton of time to make. So whatever you’re looking to make at home, let it be easy and maybe even a little fun. At the end of the day what matters most is time well spent eating good food with good people.

Outside of blogging I’m a bit of a design dabbler and mom to a fuzz butt named Harlow. We spend most of our free time off-screen adventuring in the woods or curled up on the couch reading a juicy detective novel.


I love getting emails from readers! Please feel free to write to me at [email protected].


If you’re interested in partnerships or advertising feel free to reach out. I love working with like-minded brands and businesses and I’m happy to create partnerships for the blog and social media. You can reach me here.


You can follow me on Instagram and Pinterest. I also send out a weekly email newsletter, you can subscribe here if you’d like.


In order to grow this small business, I earn revenue in a few different ways. Through sponsored posts (which are always labeled), display advertising, and through affiliate commission on the sales of products I link to. I only feature items I genuinely love and want to share with you. Readers never pay more for the items I share. This is how I support my small business and what allows me to run the site and continue to engage with this amazing community. Thank you for reading and supporting!

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